Sunday, July 10, 2011

Kidnapped! Sims 3 Legacy Challenge

I modified the original Legacy Challenge for my own fun; I'm posting it here in case anyone else wants to try it out.

If you're not familiar with the Legacy Challenge, you should read through it first. Any rules not specifically mentioned below should be assumed to be the same as the original challenge.

Founder is the child of a glorious, rich family well known for their [sculpting/painting/music/inventing/fishing/nectar-making/other] skill. Founder's family is kidnapped and founder escapes with no knowledge of their fate. Founder ends up in an unknown town with no money, friends or possessions besides one reminder of her family. She finds an abandoned [factory/barn/park bench/beach/other] and sleeps there. Founder must fend for herself and she grows up and attempts to restore their family's name. Founder finds that family's kidnappers are also living in the town, and resolves to get revenge on them and their descendents. When the next generation comes, founder attempts to pass on zeal for restoring the family's legacy and thirst for revenge on the kidnappers.

How to start:
  • Founder is a child sim
  • Founder starts out with 'enemy' relationship with kidnappers
  • Founder starts on an abandoned lot with no more amenities than a sleeping bag, toilet, shower/bathtub and sink; lot should not contain a 4-walled house or any significant building structure
  • Founder starts with one decorative object that reflects her family's legacy; this object should be kept through the generations and cannot be sold
  • Founder begins with 0 simoleans
Changes to legacy rules:
  • Heir can be either gender but must pass on family name
  • Age lengths can be set as desired; if using awesomemod, it should be set to scale difficulty to age length
  • Sims cannot have a birthday until they have 0 days left in their age
  • Things that extend or restore life (ambrosia, life fruit, ghost resurrection, etc) are allowed, but use disqualifies that family member from earning further legacy or story points
  • Custom created sims are allowed to be members of the legacy plot
  • Traits must be rolled randomly
  • May use Twallan's Master Controller (or similar mod) to view other sims' family trees
Legacy points:
  • 1 point for founder; 1 point at the birth of the first child of each generation
  • 1 point for every unique lifetime want fulfilled by a family member (living in house and part of family tree)
  • 1 point for portrait (can be painted or photographed) of a family member (must be at least YA and living on legacy lot)
  • 1 point for every $100,000 in net worth, up to max 20 points
  • 1 point for every 100,000 points in aspiration rewards earned by a family member (living in house and part of family tree)
Story points:
  • 1/8 point for every successful prank pulled off on, fight won or chess competition won against kidnappers or kidnappers' descendants
  • 1 point for each heir who becomes enemies with all living kidnappers and all kidnappers' descendants
  • 1 point for each family member (except spouses) who maxes the family skill
  • 1 point for every community lot/building purchased when the family name is incorporated in the name (point is subtracted if subsequently sold, and family name should be taken out)
  • 1 point given if last heir has 5 celebrity stars (thus restoring the family's glory)

  • Create founder's family in the beginning then kill them off so they will be on the family tree and can appear as ghosts
  • Founder discovers long-lost family member in vacation world
  • Heir has romantic relationship with kidnappers' descendant and parents are not pleased

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